
2019 – New ideas and plans

October 31, 2021
2 Mins

J2A has had an incredibly busy and successful year, with numerous events and initiatives aimed at promoting the power of football to bring positive change to communities around the world.

One of the highlights of this year's activities was the coaching clinic held at the City Stadium in Nairobi, which was attended by almost 90 grassroots coaches.

The clinic was themed 'What is a Coaches Responsibility?', and covered the four core principles of grassroots coaching. It was the largest and most comprehensive coaching clinic J2A has ever held and provided an excellent opportunity for coaches to learn from one another, exchange ideas, and gain new knowledge.

At the end of the clinic, specially commissioned J2A pin badges were presented to key members of the 'J2A team in Kenya', including the loyal driver and logistics co-ordinator Steve, who has been serving J2A for almost three years. In addition, pin badges and special recognition were given to each of the coaches who displayed exceptional and consistent commitment to J2A over a number of years.

Among the coaches who received special recognition were Simon Okelo and Nancy Odhiambo from Wire Academy, George Opiyo from J4K, Alex Mwangi from Nairobi County, and Paul Byiringiro, who travelled for 36 hours by bus from Rwanda just to attend a J2A coaches clinic in Western Kenya in 2018. Anne Wairimu was also recognised for her unwavering commitment to J2A. She has attended every singleJ2A coaches clinic or event since being introduced in November 2015, and was awarded the 2019 J2A award 'Coach of the Year', the first award of its kind to date in J2A's short history.

But the day was not just about awards and recognition. J2A also took theopportunity to donate Manchester United kits and new A&K footballs to two young boys who were befriended by one of their junior representatives. The kits and balls were kindly donated by a BBC Jersey listener, and the boys were thrilled to receive them.

Overall,it was a fantastic and enjoyable day, with a record number of coaches coming together with the common desire of wishing to learn and gain new knowledge in helping to improve the lives of the boys and girls in their communities through football. J2A's commitment to using football as a tool for positive change continues to make a real difference in the lives of people around the world,and we can't wait to see what they have in store for the future.

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